• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    4 days ago

    I've only watched to ~8:30 and yet it gets crazier and crazier. If you think the car has a roll bar - you'd be wrong.


    • Hux@lemmy.ml
      4 days ago

      There was another door jam label for the folks who foolishly didn’t expect their car to burn them for trying to exit it.

      Show https://i.imgur.com/gjicLpa.jpeg

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    4 days ago

    The thing was just a motor/drivetrain and some wheels. No creature comforts whatsoever. It was just made to go fast AF from stoplight to stoplight. One of the few times Dodge really came up with something special, if cars are your thing.

    • umbrella@lemmy.ml
      18 hours ago

      honestly this car looks like it was made to wrap sideways around a tree. never driven one but i hear they were so sketchy.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 days ago

      I'm not a car guy at all but I assume it's like Dodge made a kit car muscle car where 95+% of the design and planning was focused on the ginormous engine. And the car didn't follow any of the pesky [open air quotes] rules [close air quotes] of design and logic.

      "Vilon" conspiracy theory

      Elon used a disguise and time traveled back to the early 1990s and he was the guy who somehow convinced everybody at Dodge... "Nah. The car doesn't need door handles. It doesn't need windows. It doesn't need an internal handle to open the hood. [list continues]" That last one is covered at 6:22. I assume the list goes on and on. I've got ~20m left to watch. What an utterly wacky car.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    4 days ago

    So the sort of things that are done for racing cars but straight from the factory.

  • SwitchyWitchyandBitchy [she/her]
    4 days ago

    The only dodge I like other than boosted neons. Cars aren't for practicality, luxury, efficiency, or safety. That's what trains are for. Cars are for being batshit insane.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 days ago

      Cars are for being batshit insane.

      10/10 for that Viper then

      No roll bar. No airbags. Etc. At the end of the vid he's driving around giving it a test drive and he blithely says something like... Because there was a lack of safety features, the engine was so big, and some people didn't know what they were buying - there were more accidents.

      So many Americans simply accept that there will always be an insane number of car accidents, injuries, and deaths. It's no biggie. It's just the way it is.


      Ninja edit

      You can burn your legs simply getting out of the thing - 14:06.

    • Wakmrow [he/him]
      4 days ago

      God damn I just remembered my friend's neon that had 2x4s as the back seat

  • CarbonConscious [he/him]
    4 days ago

    This was (and is) always my dream car as a ignorant but car-loving little burglerite. Just so cool and fast and nothing else.

    I think that terrible short-lived show of the same name probably planted a worm pretty deep in my tiny child brain, so that might be part of it.

    • Vingst [he/him]
      4 days ago

      I remember telling my grandmother it was my favorite car and she said they always spin out on turns.