huh maybe it's called Beetlejuice Beetlejuice because it's twice as long as the original

for the love of god why does every movie have to be 2½ hours

  • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
    5 days ago

    why does every movie have to be 2½ hours

    Same reason Hollywood produced epics in the past: It's hot and the people can't afford AC

    • AlicePraxis [any]
      5 days ago

      good point, the only reason I saw Doctor Strange 2 in theaters was because there was a heat wave and there was nothing good out at the time

        • AlicePraxis [any]
          5 days ago

          yeah Raimi is the other reason why I gave it a chance, but even a good director can't save these Marvel movies

          he should go back to making horror slop instead of superhero slop

    • BGDelirium [he/him]
      4 days ago

      This is why I saw Cruella in theaters 3 years ago. For the sweet sweet AC

  • peppersky [he/him, any]
    5 days ago

    why does every movie have to be 2½ hours

    because then cinemas don't have the time to play anything other than the shit hollywood studios pull out of their asses

    • AlicePraxis [any]
      4 days ago

      it really depends on the type of movie. this is Beetlejuice were talking about, not some Scorsese crime epic

        • AlicePraxis [any]
          4 days ago

          I don't really think all movies need character development to be good, I mean it's definitely important in say, a character-driven drama film, but in a zany screwball comedy horror movie for kids? not so much.

          Beetlejuice has a very silly premise which benefits from brevity, I think diving too deep into the characters would make the whole thing less fun and bog the movie down in terms of pacing. it's really important for a movie like that to maintain a sense of momentum, and that's very hard to do with a long runtime