informal anecdotal data gathering

  1. Do you regularly consume a CBD-containing product (Marijuana, CBD oil, medical marijuana, etc) Please be specific about strain

  2. Have you been infected by COVID, how long did it last, and what were your symptoms?

I'll go first:

  1. No
  2. Yes, in March 2020, it lasted a month to a year depending on where you draw the line between long-COVID and acute COVID. Symptoms were fatigue, chills, high heartbeat, and a lower quantity of pee
  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    5 days ago
    1. Yes, marijuana, whichever strain my dealer hands me.
    2. Twice, first time was general cold like symptoms and exhaustion around the middle of 2021, second was just mild cold like symptoms around the start of 2023.