Out of the dozens of places I've lived I've only gotten my full deposit back twice. Once because a sewer pipe burst and forced all the residents out. The second time was because I was going broke paying the rent because my job didn't pay enough so I got a friend of mine to forge a letter that made it look like I was joining the military. The landlord told me she was proud of me and gave me the full deposit back.

Other than that, I've always had hundreds of dollars deducted from my deposit because I left toilet paper on the roll or forgot some stray ketchup packets in the junk drawer.

I'm moving in a few months and I'm wondering if I should bother cleaning up to try and get my deposit back or just saying fuck it and cut my losses.

  • NotAShrimp [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This is my go to guide

    Whenever you move in video EVERYTHING. If the have an itinerary for scratches and marks, go through it when you first move in. Clean the shit out of everything (dust literally everything) before you leave or hire an end of tenancy cleaner (they're expensive, but find the cheapest and get a receipt/invoice and contact number). And when you move out video EVERYTHING again, make sure it's detailed ie touch skirting boards to show no dust etc. I don't think I've had a deposit taken in the last 5 places... Very satisfying to see landlords waste time and money on estate agents and legal (fees to rob you) only to find out a video or tenancy cleaner's receipt burnt them in 5 mins. Moving in and out are the two most important days, if you have the time try.

    We can appeal deposits at local councils where I'm from idk about your area.

    My mate got charged for 'a finger mark on a brass door handle' $40. And another mate who went grocery shopping before moving out, left a brown of bag rice which cost him $80 for special removal fees. Fucking. Scum.