There is nothing that I find more pathetic than hating young people.

It's our responsibility to help the next generation have a damn future, not complain at them until they become loyal servents.

People act like the kids owe them something. No it's the other way around, we owe them.

We have an ass backwards society where kids are expected to raise themselves and serve adults. It's insane.

I can't count how many times I've been out somewhere and there is some parent screeching at their child like a bratty teenager. Like holy shit, how did we get to the point where parents are less mature than their kids? It's pathetic.

And then people complain that kids show no respect and youth crime is up. Yeah, no shit, who would respect a society of selfish brats? You act like a prick in front of your kids and now they're pricks too. No shit. Instead of setting an example and being decent human beings we act like screeching tyrants and expect them to grow up to respect us and society? What a joke.

  • Grebgreb [he/him]
    2 days ago

    I've seen my nephew get berated and mocked for "ipad withdrawal" by his parents even though he's not the one that got it for himself and he didn't decide to move to a suburbs where the only outside activity is listening to lawn equipment.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    2 days ago

    I've managed to make it to 45 without developing any "dang kids these days" brainworms, so at this point I don't really think it'll happen at all.

    The kids are alright

  • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    2 days ago

    youth crime is up.

    Youth crime is pretty universally down from its peak in the late 20th century.

    Kids are having sex later, smoking less, taking less drugs, etc.

    Poor blighters

    • mar_k [he/him]
      2 days ago

      gen z uses most drugs less, but takes more weed/shrooms than any other gen. theres a study that 70% of us prefer weed over alcohol, which imo is a good thing

      • FearsomeJoeandmac [he/him, he/him]
        2 days ago

        I think millennial take the cake for opiate addiction. I can't tell you how many dudes I know my age (self included) who've struggled with painkillers or heroin

      • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
        2 days ago

        I'm not sure that's true?


        Prevalence rate (%) of current marijuana use among US residents 12 to 25 years of age during 1979–2016, overall and stratified by gender. Derived from data from the 1979–2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)

        From here (I would expect it to trend up since 2016)

        • mar_k [he/him]
          2 days ago

          12 to 25 in 2016

          well that's measuring mostly millennials and zillennials. i'm middle-gen-z and just turned 12 that year. i also imagine we start later than other gens, most people i know didn't start til 17-19

          i was looking at this, which admittedly didn't track data before 1988, but it shows a pretty big increase from 2016-2021 (i figure it's even higher in the last three years). also shows daily usage nearly doubled over ten years:


          Marijuana and hallucinogen use among young adults reached all-time high in 2021

          also, having it occasionally isn't the same as regularly using it and preferring it over alcohol. i know a lot of boomer hippie types were stoners, but is there any evidence they actually used weed more than us? maybe they WERE getting constantly crossfaded on everything, idk, but in college today weed's often the main social/hangout substance, not just something you do on a hike or a concert now and then

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    2 days ago

    I want young people to have incomprehensible slang that I don't understand. I want young people to develop music and art that I don't understand and isn't for me. I want young people to act silly and goofy and cringe. I want young people to make me question my ideals and morals.

    If I ever get to a point where I'm just complaining about young people for no real reason take me out behind the shed and shoot me

    2 days ago

    Everytime I hear someone complain about "kids these days" I pull this out from Socrates Guess it's been a problem for 2500 years. Or I dk maybe it's BS.

    "The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."

  • buh [any]
    2 days ago

    their haircuts are stupid but so were ours so they get a pass

  • nothx [any]
    2 days ago

    I exclusively hate older generations.

      2 days ago

      Seriously, those jerks did nothing but drop all thier cash on BS and be misogynist. Then have the gall to blame me. F them. They could have built something but decided to leave empire of ruins for us to clean up.

  • spacecadet [he/him]
    2 days ago

    The specific intersection of youth and privilege is pretty annoying, but that's not an entire generational thing. As a USian, most people in general seem to be self-centered and not considerate, age has nothing to do with it.

      2 days ago

      more and more I realize my problem is americans and this specific cultural blight, not just any particular generation of them. I will never be at peace here. I can only hope I will mesh better anywhere else in the future.

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    2 days ago

    hey look i hated my parents' generation, i hated my generation, i'm not gonna let up for this new generation just because they're kids

    • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
      2 days ago

      but really I honestly don't get this big focus on the difference between generations. Maybe it's because I sort of straddle the line between millennial and gen z and have good friends in both camps, but gen z is not really doing that much that's new. Even gen alpha and their "skibidi toilet" that everyone is suddenly up in arms about is not really that different from the things that came before. Most of the characteristics of these generations that people are focusing have been around for a long, long time. Like three-quarters of their slang (which is really just Black slang) I've been using since at least 2010. You can even hear a good deal of "gen z slang" in old 90s hip-hop. And nearly all of their music and shit I can hear the beginnings of in all the shit that I used to listen to. Anime, fandom, cosplay, none of this stuff is new. Maybe because it's all more mainstream now, I don't know. But people treat gen z as this radical departure from some imagined norm, but if you've been paying attention for the last decade and a half it's not really new.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      2 days ago

      I love my gen X comrades too. If you grew up during the hell that was the 80s and managed to still come out a commie, you're all right in my book

  • Gorb [they/them]
    2 days ago

    The youth provide fresh new meme content for me how could I hate them?

    All old people know is drive bad, block they supermarket isle, whine about the worlds smallest and most irrelevant problem for 5000 hours and be nosey af