Wow. Just Wow. Beautiful site you have here. Absolutely gorgeous. We had a site like this. What a beautiful site it was... but the Democrats made us take it down. It's true!
My staff tells me you people hate the Democrats. Well then folks you're in great company. When I become president I will dismantle the crooked Democratic Party and Make America Great Again!
Now we had a great debate last night folks. The crooks and cowards at CNN tried to stop us from winning. The Democrats tried to stop us from winning. But we won, didn't we folks? We won the debate and sent Sleepy Joe home with tears running down his ugly face!
So to all the Patriots, Haters and Losers out there, Ask Me Anything! I'll be here all night folks! I'm Donald Trump!
EDIT: That's all folks! Thanks for having me, Reddit. You were a great audience. Not the best I've had but good enough!
Do you actually like Cheetos? If so, what variety is your fave?
Cheetos? Yeah, I like cheetos. I used to keep them stocked in Trump Hotel. Chester the Cheetah was an important figure in America for a long time. Before all this woke nonsense took over.
I agree sir. This is not the country Chester served and died for.