Nah jk its because I'm too smoothbrained to actually understand what they're even arguing about in the first place
also, talking hypotheticals, how hard would it be to replace the Arrows with Hexabears
actually, how hard would it be to replace the entire site with a 228x120 jpeg of a septabear
I dont know what a Matrix is, but I assume its some techno-nerd shit and therefore understand your reasoning
I've never had either, so this would be yet another case in which I'd upbear both sides
do it, coward, as long as buy me some pho afterwards. Cant find shit like that in Bumfuck, Germany.
Why though? They're both just types of 拉面.
Let the struggle session commence.
It's amazing how pleasant debate can be if you're reasonably sure both sides are arguing in good faith.
Had me in the first half
Unironically the perfect distillation of "dialectics"
I do this except for vegan/China threads because in those cases there really is just one obviously correct answer and everyone should know what it is.
I enjoy the struggle sessions and usually upvote good arguments even if they are in conflict. Sometimes I feel like this makes me a big brain centrist, but struggle sessions are a dialectical process and as long as they are conducted in good faith they are productive. We need to remember that they are a truth-seeking exercise, not a dick measuring contest.