• RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "They know how to compromise", nah.

    They have no ideals, so they don't "compromise", they follow orders to get a job, and when they are told "you don't get the best position", they accept it, nothing else.

    Do you think all those idiots that nobody remember were there because they had an ideological base to say "I have to run because of this platform"? No, they were just applying for a job / being told to crowd the space to drown interesting voices.

    Do you think Booker dreamed so hard about a better future for everyone that he said "SHIT, THIS IS URGENT, I'M GONNA DO IT MYSELF"?

    They don't dream with a better future for the world, only a better position for themselves.

    And if any of them really DO believe they are saving the world via doing the right things, well they are beyond stupid.

    • GreatBearShark [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You’re right, compromise is the wrong word. What I meant is that they know how to rally around Biden because their values are all empty and interchangeable.

      Even if Warren has done that, it wouldn’t have been as effective because even with all their problems, Warren supporters do have values compared to Biden / Pete people