How do they do it? You'd think running that slogan for years would have laid some kind of framework for being ready for an alternative doormat-being they can shit out into the oval office.

I mean, if people followed that slogan they wouldn't need Biden.

What gives? Wrong answers also welcome.

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    5 days ago

    "Vote blue no matter who" doesn't mean "We'll vote for whoever the democrat is" it means "you have to vote for whoever we decide the democrat is"

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    5 days ago

    Anything critical of Biden is Russian propaganda. Therefore, anyone calling to replace Biden because he can't win is a Russian agent

      3 days ago

      I was told this in the past and now that same person is crying over how unelectable he became after the debate.

    • culpritus [any]
      5 days ago

      We know that Biden can’t win, but admitting that would be giving into the Russians! That’s why we have to stick with Biden to save America!!!


  • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
    5 days ago

    They think Biden is the only viable blue candidate, so he is the going to be the "who" regardless, so voting blue no matter who entails voting for Biden.

    • Storm [she/her]
      5 days ago

      They're experts on political strategy. Just ask hillary-apartment