I also sell to individual customers but you're gonna either have to be a pretty good runner to keep up or rather more dexterious so you can cycle next to me. Close passing cars and bike lane parkers get a nice squirt of mustard on the roof

  • Egon
    25 days ago

    deleted by creator

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      2 months ago

      I don't think you really need designated lanes, just become less carbrained. No one questions the gaggle of idiots doing 1km trips in their cars that produce 10 times as much congestion as one beer bike, or people just turning a driving lane into impromptu parking because they can't be bothered to get a parking spot. This clearly wasn't about smooth traffic flow, this was to placate malding car drivers

      • Egon
        25 days ago

        deleted by creator

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          2 months ago

          I get the spirit but that sounds like a recipe for disaster

          • Egon
            25 days ago

            deleted by creator