Did anyone here predict this time last year that the US would be in its current state? Because I sure didn't. Everything seems to be going downhill really fast. The decay seems exponential rather than linear. So with that being said, do you think the collapse could come soon? 2 years? next year? Maybe even before the end of this year? It would honestly be shocking if the US went from business as usual to civil war in the space of a few years.

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    a lot of those groups were reactionary and did stupid shit which landed them on the FBI’s radar

    You have the order of these backwards. Cointelpro started in the mid 50s, targeting the Communist party and the civil rights movement. From there, they expanded to target any left group that was remotely effective, over the next decades. By the time the Weather Underground even formed, the left of the era was beginning its decline.

    And the FBI is continuing to operate against BLM, and I'd be shocked if it didn't extend to every left group significant enough to have a Wikipedia page.