Did anyone here predict this time last year that the US would be in its current state? Because I sure didn't. Everything seems to be going downhill really fast. The decay seems exponential rather than linear. So with that being said, do you think the collapse could come soon? 2 years? next year? Maybe even before the end of this year? It would honestly be shocking if the US went from business as usual to civil war in the space of a few years.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Now if the balkanization and collapse happens during a civil war, you suddenly have essentialy new countries with carriers, nukes and submarines, and at this point the civil war could still be ongoing, so these new countries could even use these weapons to resolve the conflict. Even after the conflict one of the new countries could be more eager to go to the war with Russia or China then the current USA.

    I think a lot of that complex equipment would fairly quickly remove itself from the equation.

    The US Military-Industrial Complex is spread out across the country so that each major project is pork for a large number of senators. That's why something like the F-35 might have the airframe built in one state, the radar in another, and the avionics in another still.

    Depending on how the states break up, manufacturing facilities could end up in different jurisdictions, which makes obtaining parts extremely difficult. Without adequate parts, planes start falling out of the sky (well, more so than the F-35 already does).