• ILuvKai420 [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Kinda weird and sus behavior. Not saying they are even likely to be a screenshotter

    no. That is literally what you accused me of and now you're backpedaling due to a COMPLETE absence of evidence. You have nothing and you are nothing.

      • ILuvKai420 [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        if i disengage then i get called an anarkiddy by yall. I'm staying all the way in this shit right up until the end.

        • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
          4 years ago

          If you're gonna lean into the sectariansim then I'm gonna stop defending you

          • ILuvKai420 [he/him,they/them]
            4 years ago

            in what way am i leaning into sectanarianism? I'm stating what will happen and what has happened at each opportunity where i DO log off- I leave for an hour and come back to fifteen messages about "haha lol anarkiddy triggered" and other bullshit bullying. I'm not leaning into anything.

            • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
              4 years ago

              So some assholes send you messages. Why would that happen less if you keep arguing?

      • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean, it wasn't just a suggestion of behavior, it was an accusation. At least, that's what it looked like, even if it wasn't how you intended it. Maybe you should disengage too.

      • ILuvKai420 [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        not backing down because there’s nothing there just because it’s not definitive because it’s a not situation where there would be immediate proof

        You accused me of being a screenshotter and someone who universally despises tankies. When asked to provide proof of me doing so, you immediately backed down and said "well uhhh no evidence but still" You're being disingenous (idk if i speelled that right)