I fucking love to browse through all these sites to find the best gameplay fixing amongst all the porn mods!
I love figuring out the arcane sorcery of how each game can be modded and the where in the file structure you’re supposed to put the mods in!!
I love when I can personally create folders to organize the mods into a beautiful catalog of nudes and gameplay and textures!!
I fucking love downloading them and then having to figure out if I can unpack them all at the same time or if I have to do each separately!!!
god I unironically love modding
im such a freak
I unironically love modding because not only is it cool to be able to tailor/fix games to your needs and liking but it is also the single best argument to level against gamers that nobody would invent or create anything or do any sort of labor without the profit motive.
YES! like i was just playing OpenMW and going through Tamriel Rebuilt areas on the mainland Morrowind!
stfu loser and enjoy the free content made by people who are still passionate about the universe
Yep, that's a big point for me, too. We could get rid of copyright and private game studios, and gaming would survive. Mods, emulation, and game projects would continue to exist.