I fucking love to browse through all these sites to find the best gameplay fixing amongst all the porn mods!
I love figuring out the arcane sorcery of how each game can be modded and the where in the file structure you’re supposed to put the mods in!!
I love when I can personally create folders to organize the mods into a beautiful catalog of nudes and gameplay and textures!!
I fucking love downloading them and then having to figure out if I can unpack them all at the same time or if I have to do each separately!!!
god I unironically love modding
im such a freak
I unironically love modding because not only is it cool to be able to tailor/fix games to your needs and liking but it is also the single best argument to level against gamers that nobody would invent or create anything or do any sort of labor without the profit motive.
YES! like i was just playing OpenMW and going through Tamriel Rebuilt areas on the mainland Morrowind!
stfu loser and enjoy the free content made by people who are still passionate about the universe
Yep, that's a big point for me, too. We could get rid of copyright and private game studios, and gaming would survive. Mods, emulation, and game projects would continue to exist.
I have modded and remodded New Vegas probably 50-100 times, it's a genuinely fun process to troubleshoot, balance, and organize for me.
I was planning on playing Daggerfall for the first time, but i cant mod it yet because nexus is doing maintenance
Oof, hate it when that happens, the modding itch comes and yet Nexus fails you
i got started nicely yesterday, but mostly just did UI and paperdoll fixing thus far. all the gameplay stuff is still hiding on nexus
Yeah it rocks pretty good to be honest. As an added layer of fun, you can try to mod a pirated copy of a game where most of its scene is on steam workshop.
between ggntw and skymods, it's not too bad, just cumbersome. Every now and then you will get a big mod whose creators are such boneheads that they get their shit taken down off of mirrors because they "don't support piracy" as they breathe life into an abandoned corpse of a game for free.
You can pry my "splitter over belt", autopilot, and CPU optimization mods for Dyson Sphere Program out of my cold dead commie ass hands.
one time I decided to check out steam workshop for skyrim. The most popular item was a mod that added more hip sway to female characters. The description had a huge angry rant about how women naturally have more hip sway than men and bethesda is trying to suppress this to appease SJWs
never again
I love modded games, but I think they have to be simple for me nowadays. Skyrim scripts breaking if you change a single thing about a mod list is rough. I've been doing Rimworld lately, where load order is still important but adding some stuff in is relatively safe. I also like how modders can just build in compatibility patches to their mods.
New Vegad modding has seen drastic changes over time, modders care far more about "best practices" and compatability, rather than just adding cool stuff quickly.
KSP has the absolute simplest modding experience I've ever seen. Literally just drop the folder in /GameData/ and go.
Or spacemacs, if you like vim! (And occasionally hitting the one key that deletes a huge block of text elsewhere in the file without notifying you!)
Modding is so fun that when I replay New Vegas, I usually just do it fresh from scratch!
well that minecraft space mod (galatic something?) was pretty cool
built a whole spaceship and went to the moon in survival
Oh yeah I also have two mods on Nexus
Shadowmere with blue eyes
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60933Sneaky Canines
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98137The second one is apparently someone porting my mod to SE