I don't expect people to conform to shit. I'd hope that I can talk to another leftist without him being a cock. But you're pretty clear on where you stand there, so just stop talking to me.
buddy pal friendo, when you say "the warhawks hate trump!" and i say "trump bombed am iranian general acting as a diplomat" thats not removing context, its adding it.
when you respond "no but they couldnt stop him his advisers hated that!" and i say "they literally stopped him from attempting the same thing to the syrian president" thats not removing context, its adding it.
when you say "imma pretend you only said this one part that i like and ignore entirely why you said it!" thats removing context.
no, because that takes it out of the context in which it was said.
the context being that you really need to stop expecting people to conform to your expectations of conduct
I don't expect people to conform to shit. I'd hope that I can talk to another leftist without him being a cock. But you're pretty clear on where you stand there, so just stop talking to me.
"you wont let me take your sincere statements out of context so that i can ignore the meaning behind them? never talk to me or my posts again!"
oh fuck off
That's literally what you were doing with my statements, don't get butthurt now.
no. it wasnt. learn what context and meaning are lib
Yes you did, now quit being nasty.
no u
i will never stop being nasty
It's just layers and layers of irony, bud. How exhausting.
buddy pal friendo, when you say "the warhawks hate trump!" and i say "trump bombed am iranian general acting as a diplomat" thats not removing context, its adding it.
when you respond "no but they couldnt stop him his advisers hated that!" and i say "they literally stopped him from attempting the same thing to the syrian president" thats not removing context, its adding it.
when you say "imma pretend you only said this one part that i like and ignore entirely why you said it!" thats removing context.
can you really not see the difference?