• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    One of the more stupid cases, tbh

    The easiest and most obvious (domestic) crimes Trump did was incite a riot (the "coup" or whatever is irrelevant. He did incite a riot though)

    And blatantly demand that the GA official lie or manufacture votes/ballots to make him win GA. Like, it was recorded and super fucking obvious.

    I don't expect Trump to ever face justice for either of these, especially considering the incompetence of the DA in GA (really... you had an affair with your assistant???), but the classified documents things was always bullshit for pretty simple reason once you exit the liberal bubble.

    his "I declassified them in my mind!" Statement people joke about is... kinda correct. Classification stems from the president and POTUS has the authority to declassify anything at any time for any reason. Now liberals are weird about this fact, but it's just the way it is. Classifications are not like dialed in by law like "oh photos of Russia must be top secret." Not if the president says they aren't. Then they aren't. It's totally up to them. Now this seems dumb, because it's Trump, a totally unserious person. But it's the way it's always been since they started keeping state secrets en masse about 100 years ago. Not much else to say. [barring CIA/FBI keeping secrets- but technically the president has full access and authority. If the CIA is usurping the authority that's a different discussion]

    There's also the presidential records thing they tried to pin him with. He probably did violate that one, but ultimately who the hell cares? I mean it depends what he took I guess, and they weren't willing to publicly disclose like was it nuclear related? That I would care about. Was it like Trump said letters between him and other leaders? I don't particularly give a shit. Yeah it belongs in the archives, but come on.

    Pretty pointless case ultimately when the biggest complaint they have, which liberals love, is "uh ACKTUALLY he didn't have it formally written down and declassified!" Ok, who cares. That's an internal executive department procedure. The underlying fact is he had full access to all that shit and could have declassified any or all of it. I am fully 1000% uninterested if he completed the proper procedures. Like who the fuck cares?

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    2 months ago

    This really pissed off my parents, who like most old people were watching this saga intently. They then went to me like "Why are they doing this?!" I'm like: "I don't know. I was never really paying attention."