It's over, carnists. As you can see here, I have depicted YOU as the Chad and MYSELF as the soyjak, so you've already lost.

    • Angel [any]
      2 months ago

      Okay, but the thing is that using an ironic twist on a wojak meme isn't enabling a dehumanizing strawman. Do some right-wingers use wojaks in such a way? Undoubtedly, but there is nothing that inherently ties wojaks to such a purpose. If it's deeply that much of a concern for you, you can see about getting wojaks banned from the site or something, but like I'm saying, your viewpoint is rather niche as there are already tons of wojaks available as emojis. You're likely not going to get terribly far if you are to go down that route. It's best to understand that many people on this site will not agree with you so proceed with caution using that information. You yourself might not like using such memes, but you are going to have a very hard time guaranteeing that everyone else will abide by that. It's very futile.