Nope. Women like that tend to not have any solidarity with other working women, especially of women in a lower class, and especially especially women of color. They refuse to acknowledge how their wealth and class status insulates them from things like wage discrimination, workplace harassment, etc. She might help some women of her class, some of the time. But she'll throw the rest of us under the bus. After all, she was able to raise 7 children and send them to the best schools and give them all the advantages in the world. So why are you such a whiner, huh? Sounds like you aren't trying hard enough!
Nope. Women like that tend to not have any solidarity with other working women, especially of women in a lower class, and especially especially women of color. They refuse to acknowledge how their wealth and class status insulates them from things like wage discrimination, workplace harassment, etc. She might help some women of her class, some of the time. But she'll throw the rest of us under the bus. After all, she was able to raise 7 children and send them to the best schools and give them all the advantages in the world. So why are you such a whiner, huh? Sounds like you aren't trying hard enough!