ideology is a hell of a drug

  • VILenin [he/him]M
    11 months ago

    No, because they work backwards from a predetermined conclusion. They would invent a different genocide if the Uighers didn’t exist.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      11 months ago

      You can see that they did it with Tibetans before and that's been thrown to the wayside because it's been decades and Tibetans are now more numerous, more educated (in their own language and in Mandarin) and enjoy a higher standard of living than ever before.

      They can only lie about this shit for a certain amount of time before the truth becomes insurmountable, but by that time they'll just move on to other bullshit.

      • MultigrainCerealista [he/him, comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        Average life expectancy in Tibet has increased from 35 years in 1951 to 72 years in 2021.

        Tibet is the first region in China to provide 15 years of publicly funded education, from kindergartens to senior high schools.

        This is what liberals oppose.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          11 months ago

          But what about the rights of the heckin' wholesome lamas to skin their serfs for decorative purposes?

      • nohaybanda [he/him]
        11 months ago

        It's incredibly generous of you to think that libs dropped Tibet because of material reality not agreeing with their propaganda.

        More realistically, Xinjiang is the new hot thing because the State Dept saw the Al Qaeda off-shoots there as a useful tool for sabotaging the Belt and Road initiative and booming PV industry in the region. There's only so much fake tears you can squeeze out of a person and there's no point in diluting the message.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Well, the Dalai Lama turning out to be a pedo probably didn't help the lib cause either.