It's about time I did a definitive post recommendation about this album. A while back I recommended the first two "movements" of this album, "Of Matter" and "Of Mind", though I have since deleted the account and it's posts, so here's the album. This time, it's the whole thing. Every "movement" (I don't know what else to call them), every song, all here. You may have seen me go on about this in the old posts, or in the trans mega, but this album is absolutely a must-listen for anyone. There's something in this album most people can enjoy, and many people enjoy everything about it. I truly believe it is a musical masterpiece in terms of songwriting, mixing, and atmosphere. The bass is present, the lead vocals and the harmonies are well-crafted and angelic, the riffs are catchy and attention-grabbing while also lending themselves to, and creating, the atmosphere. Even the saxophone on "Calabi-Yau" is great, and feels like a natural continuation of the movement it closes out, while being pretty amazing in it's own right. Listen to this album through, or pick a movement. Of Matter is a great opening and is probably still my favorite out of the four. Of Mind is also great, Nocturne and Exile are amazing tracks, and they will both appeal to different types of listeners. Of Reality is definitely listened to best following Of Mind (all movements benefit from album order, but Of Reality especially), though if you just want to hear the saxophone this may be the route for you. Of Energy is a great closing track, and you can really feel that it's the end, especially with Embers being the kind of closing track that it is. Really, Of Energy should be treated as one track, and it stands well on it's own to listen to as a single. HOWEVER, you really should just listen to the album through. If it's not your cup of tea, whatever, at least you tried, and you felt a taste of what Luna of Hexbear's favorite album is. You now know me just that little bit better. Obviously if you enjoyed it you got that out of it, right? If you want a nice album to follow up, though with a harsher and more raw feel, check out One by the same band. Vocals are very different (different vocalist), and it will definitely have a different feel, but I love this album as well, and you may too!

As per usual, here's the band credits:

  • Vocals: Ashe O'Hara
  • Guitars: Acle Kahney (lead), James Monteith (rhythm)
  • Bass: Amos Williams
  • Drums: Jay Postones