She also plans to stop non-essential spending on consultants and sell off surplus property.

She means privatisation.

Those findings led the government to accuse the Conservatives of making significant funding commitments for this financial year “without knowing where the money would come from”.

You ask the Central Bank to type in some numbers that's how. You can at the same time increase taxes on the rich so they can't buy shit or hoard their wealth.

And despite billions spent to house migrants and combat the criminal gangs ferrying migrants across the English Channel on dangerous inflatable boats, the number of people making the crossing is still rising, Starmer’s office said.


“The assessment will show that the UK is broke and broken — revealing the mess that populist politics has made of the economy and public services,” Downing Street said in a statement.

UK households and state assets are broken and broke because of austerity, not because the Government was spending too much or taxing (the poor) too little.

“The assessment will show that the UK is broke and broken — revealing the mess that populist politics has made of the economy and public services,” Downing Street said in a statement.

"Populist politics" they're referring to not increasing taxes on the poor.

  1. They refuse to increase spending by creating new money because it'll hit their City of London imposed rules.

  2. They refuse to raise taxes on the rich because they work for them.

  3. Because they can't increase spending without pushing the deficit beyond their self imposed limits or raise taxes on the rich to give them more room within their limits, the only "solution" is to tax the poor.

  4. Taxing the poor is ridiculous not just because they don't make much money but also due to reduction in total demand. With people having less money, stuff won't sell and capitalists will start firing workers etc....

  • NuraShiny [any]
    2 months ago

    I too have utter contempt for the British electorate.

    • shitholeislander [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      all the evidence suggests that the UK population is way, way to the left of its ruling class on most issues, including wanting large sectors of the economy nationalised. the media class does a great job of giving the opposite impression by pretending like the poorest 40% of this country doesn't exist (so they always focus on the White Working Class which actually is mostly middle aged labour aristokkkrats with colloquial accents)

      continental Europe doesn't have this as much because neoliberalism came later to them and so they haven't reproletarianised their working classes to the same extent as the UK

      • dirtybeerglass [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        Famously people who said the Tories were the best party to run the economy, overwhelmingly picked Corbyn’s policies in a blind test

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        (so they always focus on the White Working Class which actually is mostly middle aged labour aristokkkrats with colloquial accents)

        I would suspect there’s some conflating of petty bourgeoisie that are in traditional manual labor fields with working class going on as well.

        • shitholeislander [none/use name]
          2 months ago

          Yeah. Really the biggest variable in the UK is whether you own your home or not, rather than being about whether you sell your labour or not. So much wealth accumulated by looting the global south was redistributed to the British working class during the period of social democracy and then locked into home ownership under Thatcher and later Blair. Owning your own home outright in the imperial core turns any person into Hitler no matter whether they sell their labour or not.

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I actually like that europe is led by cretins such as starmer, macron, von der leyen and kaja kallas

      They're the rulers europeans deserve