• buh [any]
    11 months ago

    Oh no, the communist tyranny of natural ingredients 🙄

    • TheCaconym [any]
      11 months ago

      It contains chicken periods and stolen cow milk though 🤮

        • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
          11 months ago

          Yeah but vanilla is much less resource intensive and feels much less pain/emotions than living breathing animals (even though I concede that chickens are asshole despite me being vegan).

          • commiespammer [he/him]
            11 months ago

            On another point plants also breathe and "feel pain" in the form of chemical signals released upon tissue damage. They can even warn nearby plants of herbivory. Is it more ethical to consume plants just because they react to pain differently than us?

            But yeah the resource intensity is a good point. I keep chickens in my yard and they seem pretty chill, though.

            • TheCaconym [any]
              11 months ago

              Is it more ethical to consume plants just because they react to pain differently than us?

              Yes. If I could power myself with the sun I would. I can't, so I eat plants, because it objectively causes the less pain.

              Watch dominion and stop eating cadaver parts

              The "plants can feel" argument is one of the most recurrent and brain-wormed one among carnists and it's exhausting

              Stop supporting the systemic torture, rape and killing of sentient beings just for your pleasure. You know you're wrong, you know; either consciously or subconsciously, but the debate has never been complicated. Your "argument" is an attempt - again, conscious or not - to justify the pain you cause to feel OK

              • commiespammer [he/him]
                11 months ago

                So it cycles back to utilitarianism in the end, lol... (/s)

                I want to make it clear that I do not support capitalism, and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. I was simply indulging myself in my new favorite hobby, Leto II Atreides-esque absurd philosophical tangents.

                • TheCaconym [any]
                  11 months ago

                  I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh. Still, stop eating animal products, please, your survival don't depend on it, it's weird and monstrous.

                  I myself also love Dune ancom-heart

                  And "philosophical tangents" is an appropriate description for the whole book about Leto lmao

                  • commiespammer [he/him]
                    11 months ago

                    Personally I view veganism as similar to owning electric vehicles--- attempting to make up for the failures of capitalists. Even if I do not consume meat the capitalists will output vastly more greenhouse gasses than a lifetime of primitivism could possibly cover for. Nothing will change unless we have socialism.

                    As for morality, I have none to speak of whatsoever given what I've thought of, said, and written in the past and present. However I've come to respect vegan comrades for being able to sacrifice their personal pleasure for the benefit of others. As for me, I'm just a weirdo in normie skin...

            • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
              11 months ago

              Yeah, you could get into a whole philosophical discussion about that but at the end of the day plants are far more passive than living animals, it's just that the cruelty is hidden behind the curtain of capital. Take a calf from her mother to make milk and the mother cries, but take the seeds away from the barley and they'll just grow some more.

              Also, vegans gotta eat something, we can't just die shrug-outta-hecks

              • commiespammer [he/him]
                11 months ago

                At the end of the day we must all kunsoom

                that was quite an interesting exchange btw. I don't think I could've gotten anything similar on, say, reddit without devolving into mindless shit-slinging. Pretty glad to see people on hexbear are as nice as people from lemmygrad.

  • bigmonkey [they/them]
    11 months ago

    That is the saddest little ice cream cone I've ever seen. Communism has failed 😔

  • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    Plombir is a type of foreign frozen dairy substance eaten in communist Russia. The government mandated manufacturers of the concoction put certain ingredients in it. The only known ingredients are those in which the Soviet regime admitted to using, but there could be many more we don't know about. It was also used as a nationalist authoritarian symbol of racism against Ukranians.

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    11 months ago

    countries and societies that don't have the same treats as mine are abject failures.

    i saw this pic posted somewhere and it was like "OH LOOK HOW BORING RUSSIAN FOOD IS SLAVA UKRAINI" and then a bunch of Ukrainians said "no we eat that too, and we like it."

    • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      Trying to contrast Russian and Ukrainian food is extremely funny, because 90% of them are common and the remaining 10% are nevertheless well known and liked in both countries.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    11 months ago

    I mean, this doesn't look particularly strange or terrifying

    It literally looks like soft serve