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  • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Impossible to take anybody seriously who says "america bad" as a criticism of leftists. "Ohhh you can't ever trust China or Russia all their stats are fake/they always have ulterior motives/they're always violating sovereignty". So Russia and China; Always bad.

    Where's this energy when discussing America though? It's always "America ought to be doing this. America ought to be doing that. According to Senator Shitforbrains from Minnesota and Congressman Asswipe Dickfart who cosigned this blah blah blah-" Oh wow that's really interesting. When we're discussing America, they never have to answer for their crimes. We need to rely on their stats. They have a responsibility to affect the world and enact their will in XYZ situations. We have to take American politicians at their word when they're publicly discussing literally any policy they claim will help ordinary people that they supposedly plan on pursuing. Suddenly these same idiots aren't saying "America bad you can't trust those stats and those shifty insidious politicians are just lying for votes and America should be ejected from all international relations until they answer for their crimes".

    No, no, all of a sudden we need to apply nuance when the Obvious-Fed-Fakest-Leftist-of-All-Time tags an angry Communist with "anti-imperialist left" scare-quotes as if this fucking weasel speaking has one grain of anti-imperialism in their ideological desert.

    • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Where's this energy when discussing America though?

      BE hates America. He thinks all US troops are war criminals. He voices third worldist views that Americans are too morally cowardly and too materially invested in imperialism to fight their government.

      Now, that could all be phony rhetoric that he plays up, but he's definitely not engaging in the rhetoric you describe. He's doing something different