Rest in peace to all the victims.

This led to the rise of Soeharto (which I don't see enough hate on) and his 32 year rule, supported by the good old CIA of course (shoutout to the UK and Australia as well, forgot to mention them). And to this day there has been barely any justice for the victims, and most people still think that it was justified since we're taught the New Order's narrative of the events (though maybe slightly toned down a bit).

I recommend checking out The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, which is a documentary on some of the people involved in the killings and the latter is on one of the victims' relative. There are also resources on linked by some Indonesian leftists on twitter, though I'm not quite sure if there are ones in english.

I wish I could make an effortpost and recommend some good readings (especially in english) on this, but unfortunately I'm an illiterate dumbfuck gamer and there are quite a lot of different narratives so I don't know enough to make a long post explaining the whole event, hopefully some other comrades can.