This one's about food security. You'd rather the free market decide what crops should be grown? Because that's happening in plenty of countries, the IMF encourages countries to deregulate and grow export crops. You know what happens when these countries default on their loans? They can't pay for food imports and they can't subsist on coffee beans.
Sit down for this bc I'm about to blow your mind:
Regulation not all good, not all bad. Some regulation is good. Some regulation is bad.
This one's about food security. You'd rather the free market decide what crops should be grown? Because that's happening in plenty of countries, the IMF encourages countries to deregulate and grow export crops. You know what happens when these countries default on their loans? They can't pay for food imports and they can't subsist on coffee beans.
I disagree, I think that this piece makes a compelling counter to your argument