Realized the other day that I've been subjected to years and years of propaganda about Russia and Putin. Even correcting for it a bit in my head, it still doesn't seem like an amazing place to live. But is it better or worse for the average Joe?

My impression is that its 2nd world. Lots of modern technology, but shitty and like 20 years behind. Not progressive in terms of LGBT or women's rights. Definitely not a democracy and basically run by plutocrats.

Anyone have personal experience there?

  • kilternkafuffle [any]
    4 years ago

    I'd sum it up as very similar to the West in social structure, but appreciably different in mindset.

    It's the same capitalism, just significantly less rich. There're more obstacles to political expression, someone like Cori Bush can't get elected, there's less of an outlet for discontent in public life. But most power is in the hands of the rich and connected, just like in the West. Institutions are not as developed or advanced.

    The mindsets are different because culture and education are different. It's hard to summarize/generalize. The culture is more conformist in terms of basic values and behaviors - I'd say conflicts can be more heated because someone breaking the rules of regular respectful conduct is so abnormal as to warrant an immediate correction. The average person is probably more self-reliant, skilled/educated, well-read, more skeptical, but also more ignorant of the modern world, more detached. There's lots that's worse than in the West, lots that's better.