Realized the other day that I've been subjected to years and years of propaganda about Russia and Putin. Even correcting for it a bit in my head, it still doesn't seem like an amazing place to live. But is it better or worse for the average Joe?

My impression is that its 2nd world. Lots of modern technology, but shitty and like 20 years behind. Not progressive in terms of LGBT or women's rights. Definitely not a democracy and basically run by plutocrats.

Anyone have personal experience there?

  • buttmuncher [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    i lived in volgograd for a summer and got a masters degree in russian studies. i found it depressing. the food was quite bad, the people are nice, but odd, and i felt everything was overcommercialized, which is strange to say, coming from the us. i went to a karaoke night with some friends and felt like a celebrity since it was mostly english songs. some drunk guy pulled me aside and said if i ever need a podiatrist to give him a call lol.

    my impression is that a lot of the men i knew were overly macho and annoying and a lot of the women were very superficial. of course, the country isn't a monolith. I visited SPB and Moscow and had very different impressions than volgograd, but i didn't spend enough time in either place to feel authoritative. A friend from my program lived in Siberia for an extended period of time (like a year or two from what I remember) and he apparently had a blast. The Far East has the same kind of mentality as the American West, people are much more individualistic and anti-government / authority, for better or worse. I still want to travel across the Transiberian Railroad one day, but idk, i think it would get tedious pretty fast