Of course the entire genre of cosmic horror is reactionary by its very nature, except when there is enough self-awareness to subvert or satirize the genre's reactionary logic, as in Verhoeven's Starship Troopers. But James Cameron's Aliens has no interest in self-critique, sharing a lot more in common with Heinlein's original novel.

Xenomorphs have only ever defended themselves from human colonizers invading their home, but we're expected to see them as evil, the scary other. The aliens must be bad because they pose a threat to us. Oh, and because they're ugly.

At least in the first Alien, the human crew members are sympathetic because they are merely surviving a situation they didn't want to be in, put in peril by a corporation sacrificing them for profit. Humans, not aliens, are the true villains of the film.

But in Aliens, our hero Ripley goes back to the moon with a special team of Colonial Space Marines to kick some alien ass. While this is ostensibly a mission to save a group of endangered colonists, Ripley has no interest in a search-and-rescue mission. She only agrees on the condition that they go there to kill every last Xenomorph.

Ripley is more than willing to exterminate an entire species to save one little white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. In fact she still wants to genocide them even after safely escaping.

Ripley: I say we nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

Burke: This is clearly an important species we're dealing with, and I don't think that we have the right to arbitrarily exterminate them.

Ripley: Wrong!

be sure of what, Ripley? you can just fucking leave. don't go back to the moon with all the Xenomorphs on it. seems pretty easy to me

now of course it turns out that Burke doesn't actually care about the Xenomorphs, he only wants to exploit them for profit. while this is keeping with the corporations=bad theme from the first movie, now we're supposed to think corporations are bad for... not wanting to do genocide? because of course no good person would be against murdering an entire species for no reason, only a villain would propose such a thing.

Now I'm not saying you can't enjoy Aliens, it deserves its status as one of the best action / sci-fi films of all time, and I'd argue these problematic reactionary themes actually make it more interesting and morally complex, giving us much to analyze and critique, elevating it above an average popcorn movie. Just please don't take it at face value.

Ripley is no longer the hero, even if she's portrayed as one. In Alien she is the scratched liberal, and in Aliens she is the fascist who bleeds. In a tragic turn, she has become the villain of the story. She reacts to her own trauma and loss of motherhood with mass murder, by killing another mother's babies right in front of her, and we're all supposed to clap and cheer, instead of asking why these humans are there in the first place.

    • AmericaDeserved711 [any]
      28 days ago

      I'm only baiting for honest film discussion, I'm happy to hear other interpretations if you disagree

      • HarryLime [any]
        28 days ago

        Okay, I shouldn't be commenting more but:

        now of course it turns out that Burke doesn't actually care about the Xenomorphs, he only wants to exploit them for profit. while this is keeping with the corporations=bad theme from the first movie, now we're supposed to think corporations are bad for... not wanting to do genocide?

        The corporation is bad because they want to use the aliens as biological weapons and sent Ripley's crew and the colonists to the planet as guinea pigs. That's why the middle manager wants to keep them alive.

        • AmericaDeserved711 [any]
          28 days ago

          they want to use the aliens as biological weapons

          right so I understood that perfectly well and it's what I mean by "only wants to exploit them for profit". my point was not that Burke is actually good. the point is that by having the villain be the only one to advocate against extermination, the audience is expected to view that position as inherently wrong. only someone with ulterior motives would believe such a thing

          it's similar to what happens in a lot of superhero trash where the villain is seemingly motivated by fighting injustice but then he kills a bunch of babies or something to assure us that it's bad actually

          • HarryLime [any]
            28 days ago

            I would argue that Aliens does have a more complicated morality than you're suggesting.

            the audience is expected to view that position as inherently wrong.

            In my view, Ripley wanting to wipe all the aliens out may not be the most moral reaction to experiencing all her co-workers being killed by a sexual assault monster and then witnessing the aftermath of hundreds of people being slaughtered by that species of sexual assault monsters, but I think it is understandable that she'd feel that way. The thing is that the movie actually does call into question whether this is the right thing to do when it draws an explicit parallel between the alien queen and Ripley- the queen is protecting its offspring in the same way that Ripley is protecting her surrogate daughter, which complicates the morality of this conflict and its result. In the end, the entire conflict is the result of a corporation seeking profit, creating a situation that spiralled out of control.

            It's why I compare it to Avatar- James Cameron understands that people's moral decisions aren't usually the result of taking a view from a divine perch of perfect politics, but from an accumulation of their experiences and the material reality they face. Jake Sully is not the hero of Avatar because he's a great person- if he still had his legs and was just hired as a grunt on Pandora then he would have been just another genocidal colonial soldier. He had a very specific set of experiences that made him sympathize with the Na'Vi, and Ripley had a set of experiences that led to all her actions in all the movies. Like, sympathizing with the Xenomorphs or valuing their existence would be really hard for anyone who had to actually deal with them.

      • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
        28 days ago

        It’s not honest. It’s not their home planet. If you watch Alien a different species crash lands a ship that is infested with xenomorphic eggs. They are a parasitic species that work like a virus.

        The corporations want to utilize the parasitic species to dominate other nations, or create new weapons.

        If your dog went into a lake and got a tapeworm, are you gonna let it do its thing, or kill the tape worm to save the dog?

        So dishonest

        • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
          28 days ago

          No,but you see,the tapeworm is a valuable form of life that the arrogant dog only encountered by acting on its hubris,traipsing in its natural habitat and expecting not to be used as a host for a parasitic lifeform

        • AmericaDeserved711 [any]
          28 days ago

          I know that it's not the Xenomorphs' original home planet, but it has become their home after being brought there

          killing a species to prevent a corporation from using them as a biological weapons is very compelling idea. I wouldn't mind if the film had explored that idea more. it definitely does give the pro-extermination viewpoint more validity. though that's not Ripley's motivation as she wanted to kill them all before she learned Burke's true motives. she is primarily motivated by fear based on her past trauma, and by protecting her own species, which is also interesting, in a different way

          dog metaphor is silly, I didn't say there was something wrong with killing a Xenomorph that was attacking you or a loved one! would you nuke the lake, or keep your dog away from the lake in the future? what if said lake is millions of miles away from where you actually live?

          call me wrong if you want but I'm not being willfully "dishonest", please

          • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
            28 days ago

            “I know that it's not the Zionists original home, but it has become their home after being brought there” - you on Palestine I guess.

            If you watch the directors cut an egg hatched and locked on to Newts dad and that started the species growth on the planet. Considering that in Alien they get back to the space ship before it hatches in the crew mates body, you could make the argument that they weren’t conscious on the planet at any point before killing Newts dad.

            So no they weren’t “there” long before the humans. They legitimately need hosts to go through their developmental process. There is no peaceful existence with xenomorphs. If you aren’t being dishonest to make an argument, than you are being incredibly silly.

      • HarryLime [any]
        28 days ago

        I don't feel like writing a whole thing but I think you've really misinterpreted the movie. But I'll just say that Aliens and Avatar are the same movie, both equally as anti-capitalist or anti-imperialist as Hollywood blockbusters are allowed to be.

      • HarryLime [any]
        28 days ago

        BTW I thought my first comment was too harsh so I edited it. I'm sorry if it came off as mean.