I was really excited when my wife finally agreed that we could go on vacation to a place I suggested. Usually on the rare occasion we had time out of work we would often spend a day out at a place usually a few hours drive and spend a night or two at an airbnb. She was reluctant at first because she claims, in her words that I “post too much” to hexbear instead of taking care of my new born. I’m actually a really good parent but I can multitask too. Plus, she’s always on instagram anyway so it goes both ways. After literally begging she agreed and I literally jumped with joy.

Packing up for the vacation was kinda daunting because I felt something was off with her, she was being more reserved but I reckoned it was because of her anxiety due to having to fly with our new born. Babies on a plane, not a good mix take it from me. Anyways we’re at the airport and all I can think about is taking a picture with me at the base of the statue, how I would look, would my wife be in the picture? Or would I ask someone to take it for me? Or would I have to position the camera somewhere that could take it automatically? Whatever the case, it was on my mind the most. I genuinely wanted to be seen next to the statue just so then I could feel some semblance of appreciation from my community and prove that I was, you know, cool for doing something like that.

The plane ride was a disaster to say the least but I spent my time writing whilst my wife was tending to the baby, I also slept and by the time the flight landed I was wide awake, wife not so much, uhhhhh my bad? Anyway we book a rental car and go straight to a hotel, wife not talking to me at all. I started posting to hexbear letting everyone know that I had landed and everything was going great, I was so happy to be sharing my location with my fellow bears so I took a few pics along the way and uploaded them. My wife scoffed at me once she saw I was on my phone, she hates when I post but you know I’ve formed a bond with people throughout the years and people here are legitimately my friends.

We wake up after having spent the first night at the hotel, wife still acting distant so I try to cheer her up by getting breakfast. Hotel had no room service so I went outside to look for places to eat. I figured I would spend my breakfast at a really cool spot that seemed lefty enough for me. I sat down and ordered my breakfast and then started browsing hex. About 45 minutes go by and wife texts “baby” and that’s it, nothing else just “baby”, what’s her problem? So I get to the hotel and she asks what I was doing. I totally forgot that I had to get her breakfast so I told her I was looking for places for us to eat that were child friendly, anyway that happened. I posted to hex again this time a few images of the place I was at but all that was on my mind was the statue I really wanted to visit, it was my dream because we share a similar likeness and I would say I’m more akin to this monument than I am I’d say anyone else on hexbear, no offense to anyone who does direct action or has been part of PSL for a few years, you’re cool too but I staged a walk out with some bored coworkers so that puts me slightly ahead of you.

The day comes, the wife is at this point not talking to me. I’m wondering how I’m gonna make this post and really excited with the prospect of being seen next to it. I was extremely giddy but I had to conceal it because I didn’t want her to see how excited I was. I approach the statue and my god, it’s like I’d never believed, I was up close and personal with it, this was everything my social circle would admire me for because I was close to the being that I truly feel I am closest to and I genuinely felt a connection to it. I don’t know how to explain other than it’s like my years on hex lead me to this point where I had to show them how much of a leftist I was by being close to the statue that resembles everything we are, we are genuinely the truest and closest soldiers of the modern age. If we had been alive many years ago, we surely would have been fighting for the red army and proudly brandishing our very pride on our uniforms with an array of badges. I stood beneath the statue, my wife didn’t take the picture and neither did two people I had asked. I had to then position the phone on a pole and run back and forth between making sure the picture turned out as well as it did. By this point my wife had already left with my child but this was important for the sake of the site and my reputation on it. snap bingo, the picture was perfect. I immediately tried uploading the photo to the bear site but the internet was too fucking slow. I caught up with my wife and asked her if I could use her phone to upload the image but she just ignored ne and walked into a store. I tried finding a coffee spot and rushed in and without ordering I asked “WiFi? You have WiFi?” To which they responded with “customers only” I ordered some food and I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and get my wife some breakfast that I had forgotten to do before. I order and I get the WiFi passcode eventually and then post. Post, refresh, refresh, refresh, it posted, I gasped and kinda fist bumped the air, the patrons looked at me funny but I didn’t care. This was my moment, my moment of history a monument to the bear site.

I text my wife my location and tell her I got her some breakfast. She told me she already ate an hour ago and she just wanted to do other things. I really wanted to get back to the hotel so I texted her “be back at the hotel gonna write” and she left me on read.

The rest of the vacation was pretty boring but the feedback from here was genuinely upstanding and made me feel like a genuine part in the sites history but as a vanguard of the leftist posting regime. I made history in my own way and I couldn’t be prouder. I was upset that my wife didn’t talk for the rest of the holiday so I tried my best to console her but it wasn’t working.

Fast forward to today my wife sat me down and told me that she no longer wanted to be with me. I don’t understand what I had done wrong and I think it was because of the breakfast. She said we can have shared custody of our child but she mentioned I cared more about hex than I do her and I don’t see how she could make that assumption after everything I’ve done for her?

But anyway I’m newly single so I hope that makes a difference here. Thanks for reading

  • Flyberius [comrade/them]
    25 days ago

    I remember getting told I hexbeared too much when I was in Cuba. I thought it was a bit unfair given that we were on a 16 hour coach journey at the time, but regardless, she had a point.

    Anyway, fuck you lot for being so fun to post with.

  • Guamer [she/her]
    25 days ago

    You have/had a wife and kid?

    Buddy, get on our level.