i hear the usual "anti woke" crowd screeching about it. How is it really?

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    19 days ago

    I watched the gameplay leak a few weeks ago and it looked profoundly mid. It's a third person cover shooter where combat is some kind of VATS slow-mo action queue and the bike looks floaty and jank.

    It's not really surprising, what was the last good Ubisoft game? They're notorious for just churning out janky, dull slop like clockwork.

    I've heard it's a buggy, barely functioning/not even functioning mess too and every PS5 player just got hit with "so uh, all your saves are softlocked so you're gonna need to update and start a new game," which is funny as shit to watch from the sidelines and must be infuriating for anyone actually trying to play it.

  • barooboodoo (he/him)@lemm.ee
    18 days ago

    Since nobody is taking your question seriously I'll give you my two cents. I'm a little under six hours in, I'm enjoying it so far. It's not going to blow your mind gameplay design wise but I feel it's more competently made than comments make it seem. The shooting is fine but you can do a lot of fun stuff with your little alien companion. Graphics look good to me with some jank here and there. Voice acting is good. One thing I think they did well is quest design, you can find them by reading data pads lying around, eavesdropping on conversations, exploring, etc. I haven't even really gotten into the ship combat but that's gotten some positive feedback online too. Let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer.

    • FearsomeJoeandmac [he/him, he/him]
      18 days ago

      im glad youre enjoying it man. i know it cant be all bad, i doubt its a masterpiece but some people seem to be enjoying it

      have fun, i may pick it up down the line

      • ryepunk [he/him]
        18 days ago

        I think Ubisoft makes amazing games that are really excellent value once they're on sale for like twenty or thirty bucks. And by amazing games I mean turn your brain off slop that does one thing well, a couple things okay, and tries maybe 3 more things poorly. I usually play one from a few years back every couple years to scratch the itch of Ubisoft explore-a-thon, and then that leaves me burned out on their style for at least a year or 4.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    19 days ago

    It’s bad. No, I have not played it nor even heard of it until reading this post, but I am willing to bet it’s bad.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    19 days ago

    If you replace the mc with a generic white guy it goes from a sweet baby inc woke dei ruined game to generic buggy broken half baked ubislop game like every release from that company since far cry 3

    • ryepunk [he/him]
      18 days ago

      There's a video of some streamer playing the game saying "and overall I think it's a pretty fun enjoyable title" as the speeder bike falls through the level into the infinity and crashes the game. chefs-kiss

      • Gorb [they/them]
        18 days ago

        No? What gave you that impression. It was a jab at the anti woke crowd who largely are complaining about the protagonist but with or without her the games shit because its ubislop is what I'm trying to say

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          18 days ago

          It almost feels like they do that sort of thing as "damage control" in order to distract from their middling bug-ridden mess of a game. "Oh shit, our game has nothing going for it and barely works, what do we do?" "We can just put a POC as the protagonist and the Gamers will be so mad about that they won't even notice the other stuff."

        • FearsomeJoeandmac [he/him, he/him]
          18 days ago

          im not being serious. sorry if it seemed like i was.

          That sweetbaby conspiracy gamers are peddling is so cringr

          • Gorb [they/them]
            18 days ago

            Oh no worries. The conspiracy is completely deranged and the worrying part is it seems to be quite popular. Idk how people can be whipped up into such a violent and hateful frenzy over the most meaningless treats

  • callouscomic@lemm.ee
    18 days ago

    I have concerns about Ubisofts new Scalar system. The game apparently relies on external resources, so I assume it requires an online connection and for Ubisoft to keep making those resources available, and on top of that it's licensed from Disney.

    Basically I'm saying it's technically a game as a service, and once there's a license issue or Ubisoft doesn't care anymore, they could just stop hosting whatever this Scalar service is and I presume your game will be unplayable.

    I have yet to truly dig into this and find out for sure, but it's concerning and as much as I love Ubisoft open-world trash, I won't be buying this any time soon. I also now have concerns for the next Far Cry.