I received this news last night and am very concerned. Last month, I visited friend in brazil who now I think did also have this. I have had no symptoms so did not think I was carrying the covid.
This acquaintance is elderly and in bad health, although his wife is younger. They have many children who might also be infected. Should I send gifts? a card which says sorry?
This person could help me with my career and has a lot of power. I am stressed by this and my own wife won't speak with me. She will only say things like "Juan, you are un pendejo".
We did do that in the beginning of the coronavirus crisis during the timing of the shift change as a sign of gratitude, appreciation and thanks towards healthcare and essential workers, but that has stopped now.
it is never too late to start again. I tell myself this in the mirror every morning as I wake up and look into my eyes. The sun always gets a second chance and so must I también.