• SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    11 months ago


    That fucking brainless libshit think tank shill, the reason why Shinji rejected FULL 3rd impact was because it was a great inexplicable moment of apotheosis and rebirth, upon viewing himself reflected in the soul of every single living human being who would otherwise be the unknowable other, and have himself laid bare in return. To have taken this massive leap of faith, a possible annihilation, and yet to have found common humanity past all the sorrow. Thus, living on the world together as separate again became bearable with the knowledge of the fundamental possibility of connection. As such, he cancelled full third impact and the decision was given to each human as to whether they would live on in instrumentality or be reborn to live on an earth that is destroyed yet ripe with possibility. Did they even bother to watch the anime in their fucking pod before shitting out this unholy propaganda?

    Third impact was le bad because it was forced on humanity rather than developed towards. God damn individualist capitalist neoliberal christcucks.

    (idk i saw the clusterfuck that was EoE after binging the cushvlogs so this is what i took from it)

    There is probably a proper gnostic interpretation of all of this, we need our boy to see Evangelion large-adult-son