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  • blight [any]
    11 months ago

    Most westerners think those places are awful, despite never having set foot there. Most of the world was neutral.

    There's a link posted here recently showing the video of the guy on Tiananmen. The tank stops, they talk and he walks away unharmed. But nobody is denying that there were skirmishes in other parts of the city. What's left out of the story is that the CIA was arming one group of protestors expecting them to perform a coup.

    In the same way, nobody is denying that there was a famine in Ukraine. What we oppose is the literal nazi narrative that it was an intentional genocide targeted towards Ukrainians, when other parts of the union were worse affected.

    I've seen a lot of posts denying white genocide, what made people go to such lengths?

    What radicalized me was a protest against nazis when the police showed their true colors. I read what I thought was respectable liberal media whitewashing events I witnessed with my own eyes, and after that I couldn't trust anything they say anymore. I'm not saying that journalists are evil, they're just lazy and understandably cowardly. They ask the police what happened and why and then just print that without any criticism or opposing perspective.

    Edit: found the video (the comments there also answer your questions)

    • ewichuu
      9 months ago

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