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  • ewichuu
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • thisonethatone [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I am certain that there are people here who are more informed and articulate than me who can discuss this, but I'll give my armchair take.

      There is not going to be one, singular, event that breaks the system down. The struggle is exponential, and with every event the system will erode further as the contradictions of capitalism increase.

      Yes, the state outlasts those protests, but not without getting damaged. BLM for example. Thanks to BLM cops were exposed and continue to be exposed for their crimes.

      Now my region is struggling to hire cops. No one wants to be a cop because if you become a cop, you will get ostracized from the community. This is a WHITE community! And this is happening in the entire region. Police, an apparatus of the state, are losing their grip. This is erosion in real time.

      As long as capitalism causes humans to suffer the violence will increase. If masses of people can't afford to have a place to live, they will kill their landlords. If people can't eat, they will kill the rich and eat them.

      It is the job of the average communist to present alternatives to the status quo so when the state does inevitably fail, it isn't replaced by fascism.