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The kitchen I'm working at has an herb garden. So they had me go out and pick some tarragon or something. And I could not recognize it coming out of the ground. I'm used to seeing in a plastic bag. I was just picking and tasting random leaves of anything that looked remotely close.
good question. because I misrepresented on my resume that my former restaurant was much more upscale than it actually was. They think I'm much more experienced than I actually am.
Yeah it's not sustainable. But it's a temporary gig, Nov 1 last day. I bluffed my way into the kitchen. And they are always watching my work. So much scrutiny all the time. I had to make it long enough where their wasn't enough time to replace me if I did keep fucking up. Now that there's just a few week left, I've loosened up a lot.
No there's no way I could keep that up if it was a job I intended to keep
Confidence is overrated. I have zero confidence, high anxiety but when I absolutely threw myself into a situation it instantly stopped me thinking, just reflex reflex reflex.
Or, in our garden's case: Any sort of pepper not half-eaten by the rabbits. Wtf rabbits
At this point we only have spicy peppers. They ate all the sweet ones.
Capitalism demands that all produce must be texturless and as sweet as possible to ensure maximum economic output.
My tomatoes didn’t have a flower left over. What kind are you growing?
The hair on the corn is a pain in the ass though! Super annoying to try and get all of it out, and if you don't it ends up in your teeth!
I find it's a lot easier to remove the silk if you cook the cob with the shuck still on.
This is a wonderful post, part if gardening for me is learning everything about a plant. It has sparked joy in my heart and I hope the plants do so for each and every one of you. They are comrade of the photosynthetic variety.
What annoys/confuses me the most are the different names for veggies between the UK and the US.
courgette vs zucchini, aubergine vs eggplant, rocket vs arugula, etc
Delicate fibre on courgettes
Maybe it's an allergy, but those irritate my skin. I've gotta pick zucchini with gloves and scrub off the fibers.