No way that he found out at 1am Friday, and you dont get hospitalized 1 day into a disease. Cancelling a debate would look bad for him and i bet it would be a positive if he happened to cough on Biden. I wouldnt be surprised if a memoir proves this in 1-3 years
This is like, barely a conspiracy theory. It just makes too much sense
He apparently went to a fundraiser after knowing he was positive and didn't wear a mask and got close to a lot of important people lmao. If he would infect his donors and allies I have no doubt he'd try to infect Biden.
Haha america is run by a baby who is too stubborn to not kill his own friends
we will be starting to make the trump has covid timeline to see if he attempted to infect biden or not soon enough i am sure
People are definitely doing that. Especially Russiagate brained libs
like i don't know because i feel it would be on brand that he was just fucking covid full and no one made him do the test until hope did and was sick
Is my conspiracy theory already just the news? The predictive power of leftism is too strong