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  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    Not beating the libertarian-approaching allegations until they come out and say, in actual film dialogue and not in a fucking novelization that literally no one will read, that children are easier to train because of something something neurological development stages and learning to commune with the force being easier before age and experience start clouding your capacity for imagination and therefore connection to the 5-pin DIN MIDI Thru cable or whatever. Hell, that could have been a scene in The Acolyte -- a perfect chance for an outsider to pose the question, "but why children?" with the implication that maybe force witches do things a little differently and don't need to indoctrinate them as kids. It could even have been a brief Qui-Gon/baby Anakin exchange in Phantom Menace. But nah, leave it to George Lucas to not be able to recognize when his characters look like groomers.