soypoint-1 live-slug-reaction soypoint-2

  • CredibleBattery [he/him, comrade/them]
    23 days ago

    the problem is that you have to watch three seasons of The Grungleman and then in season 2 you have to pause that and watch the entirety of The Tomes of Greeb Fardass (it starts off pretty good but it falls off after three episodes) which then halfway through turns into The Grungleman and Binkus season 2.5 and then you can watch Season 3 of The Grungleman and Binkus (Greeb Fardass is mentioned in passing, making his show an absolute requirement) but by that point the entire season turns into an allegory for Israel which is odd but i really like the Binkus, and then you gotta slot some time in to watch four seasons of the Star Wars: Iconoclasts show because Gleg (he's really cool) is rumored to show up in the movie along with Nomka Mano (she's from Star Wars: The Expendables but for convenience's sake just watch her appearances in Iconoclasts) and also Dork Vader has been cloned and he'S COMIGN BACK AND THEN JOHN ANDOR WILL SHOW UP AND ANDOR ALL OVER THE PLACE BECAUSE HE'S BEEN SECRETLY LE FORCE SENSITIVE THIS WHOLE TIME AND THEN I WILL FINALLY FUCKING DIE agony-consuming agony-immense

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      23 days ago

      Disney took the shit that sucks about comics, that's having to read tons of supplemental material that blows in order to get the references the show puts down. All of this to pander to nerds who still hate it anyway.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      23 days ago

      It's easy to estimate the midi-chlorian count of Glup Shitto if you notice how easy he resisted the Jedi mind trick that Lord Amogus attempted on him. Because midi-chlorian count is an objective measurement of power and clearly determines who wins fights, when that squad of ten clones of FapFap attacked Glup Shitto and he said he couldn't deflect their projectiles for much longer, that means each FapFap had a count of 420, which multiplied by 69 seconds which was how long he resisted that relentless barrage means that he's the only being in the universe that could possibly rival my ego insert... I mean REVAN, the best written and most important character of all time. Very morally grey too, just like the Witcherino. morshupls

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          23 days ago

          UM, I think you mispelled Aiden Kaiden Jaden Caeleb Solo-Tarkin-Skywalker, who successfully murderfucked (in a measured way) into such perfect balance in the force that he formed an edge that split the galaxy in half!


  • buckykat [none/use name]
    23 days ago

    I don't think anyone uses a single lightsaber or force power once in the entire runtime of the best star wars thing of all time which probably says something about star wars

        • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
          23 days ago

          Getting a restraining order from Dave Filloni because I keep asking him to put Itchy's VR Gooning Rig into the new Star Wars shows

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            23 days ago

            Speaking of Jefferson Starship, Star Wars was this close to having 70s contemporary music in it instead of the John Williams treatment. I'm sure it wouldn't have been as timeless and all that but imagine some funky beats during the Death Star trench run sicko-wistful

            • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
              23 days ago

              At least there's Mobile Suit Gundam for a late 70s YA sci-fi work with music from that era. It goes fucking hard, too.

              On the unfortunate side of things, Williams' scores are so timeless that I think Jo the Terf's Wizard Boy movies will be around for quite a while.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                23 days ago

                On the unfortunate side of things, Williams' scores are so timeless that I think Jo the Terf's Wizard Boy movies will be around for quite a while.

                I think my-hairdo is speedrunning the tarnishing of her own legacy compared to Lucas, so there's that.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      23 days ago

      I used to like the glowbats, but around the time Star Wars discourse descended into midi-chlorian calipers arguments, I lost all interest in the magic cops and wanted to see more, a lot more, of the actual Galactic Civil War. sicko-wistful

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          23 days ago

          Midi-chlorian calipers are just another form of liberalism. anakin-padme-4

      • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
        23 days ago

        I always hate it when any media tries to explain the magic, making it scientific in any way grinds my gears unless it’s done that way from the start, like alchemy in Full Metal Alchemist.

        The only time I’ve seen it done well is with “power levels” in Dragon Ball, and even then the whole point of power levels was to demonstrate how bullshit they were.

        EDIT: Not that I’m biased as Hexbear’s resident Dragon Ball glazer of course.

        • buckykat [none/use name]
          23 days ago

          I like a well-defined and investigatable magic system, but I don't like an inherently eugenicist one.

        • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
          23 days ago

          unless it’s done that way from the start, like alchemy in Full Metal Alchemist

          I think FMA gets a pass since it ends at a sensible length and can't keep dragging on about every minute detail

        • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
          23 days ago

          tries to explain the magic, making it scientific in any way grinds my gears unless it’s done that way from the start, like alchemy in Full Metal Alchemist.

          i was going to hard fucking disagree because I think it's super cool when there's effort put into the magic system of a given setting but then you went and gave an example i agree with

        • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
          23 days ago

          Most of the time it's just sloppy. It's techno babble, but fantasy. Instead of "Reverse the polarity so we can hyperjump our warp drive back online!" it's "Reverse your mana flow so you can teleport through the aether!"

          A lot of fantasy creators don't think their ideas all the way through. Like if you can make infinite fire using magic, you have an infinite energy source. If you have an infinite energy source, you have an infinite number of lanterns, transport systems, and so on. This also means there's not going to be conflicts over energy. Instead, we get people throwing fireballs at one another with some other techno babble reason for why there aren't free electric carriages.

          If magic is unknowable and dangerous, then it makes sense why there isn't free drinking water everywhere from infinite ice/water mages.

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    23 days ago

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create PrEsTiGe TeLeViSiOn... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the shows he cared about from getting canceled.

    He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught WOKE DISNEY TRASH GOBLINS everything he knew, then WOKE DISNEY TRASH GOBLINS killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others' shows from getting #Canceled, but not his own.

    unlimited-power speech-l

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      23 days ago

      I feel like your post was designed specifically to press my buttons... in the best possible way. hahaha

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        23 days ago


        Edit: Full disclosure -- I'm pretty annoyed that they canceled The Acolyte. As laser sword-twirling slop goes, it was fiiiiine. For me, the bar is "do I find this significantly less watchable than TNG season 2?" Aim any higher than that, and normal jagoffs are just going to think you're a hateful little freak who's too much of a snob to ever like anything basically ever.

        I thought the show was at least a good concept, and I liked that they tried to flesh out some of the dark sider lore and incorporate some Expanded Universe stuff in spite of the ropey overall execution (a Star War staple, tbh), and that grown-ass men should not be pissing and shitting themselves because OH MY GAWD JEDI MASTER PENIS-HEAD BEING IN THIS BREAKS THE HOLY CANON before that story thread has even been wrapped up, completely oblivious to the fact that they're portraying the Jedi Order as being a bunch of unlikeable, incompetent, self-centered bureaucrats, which was the whole point of the prequels. (I am not touching "the power of one/the power of two/the power of maaaaaaanyyyyyyy.")

        I do find it off-putting that Leslye Headland was Weinstein's personal assistant in the time leading up to the MeToo movement and more than likely provided cover for some heinous shit, flatly denies having done so, and wrote and produced a TV movie about a protagonist who is a personal assistant to a powerful sex pest.

        • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
          23 days ago

          The show is weird because like, solving a murder involving someone killing Jedi is kinda cool, lot of stuff can be done with that

          Having the story be based around a grooming plotline is a fucking bizarre choice. That throwaway line about Luke being too old to train as a Jedi should never have entered canon because now the Jedi are all creepy as fuck

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            23 days ago

            That throwaway line about Luke being too old to train as a Jedi should never have entered canon because now the Jedi are all creepy as fuck

            The magic cops needing to kidnap children and indoctrinate them to train more magic cops was a bad idea all along if I was supposed to like them. libertarian-alert

            • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
              23 days ago

              Not beating the libertarian-approaching allegations until they come out and say, in actual film dialogue and not in a fucking novelization that literally no one will read, that children are easier to train because of something something neurological development stages and learning to commune with the force being easier before age and experience start clouding your capacity for imagination and therefore connection to the 5-pin DIN MIDI Thru cable or whatever. Hell, that could have been a scene in The Acolyte -- a perfect chance for an outsider to pose the question, "but why children?" with the implication that maybe force witches do things a little differently and don't need to indoctrinate them as kids. It could even have been a brief Qui-Gon/baby Anakin exchange in Phantom Menace. But nah, leave it to George Lucas to not be able to recognize when his characters look like groomers.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                23 days ago

                But nah, leave it to George Lucas to not be able to recognize when his characters look like groomers.

                Remember Raiders of the Lost Ark? During the pre-production, Lucas and Spielburg had a spirited discussion, with drinks, where they nearly made the Marion character even younger when their protagonist first creeped on her libertarian-alert

          • buckykat [none/use name]
            23 days ago

            Child snatching fits in well with the jedi's role as mind controlling wizard cops actually.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          23 days ago

          I admit I'm a bit disappointed that the canceled show featured at least an attempt at a non-Jedi/Sith take on the Force. Fumbled it pretty badly, but it was an attempt... and they're not likely to try that again for a long, long time, if ever.

          I am not touching "the power of one/the power of two/the power of maaaaaaanyyyyyyy


          • EatPotatoes [none/use name]
            23 days ago

            Mike created a very entertaining series of videos in the late 2000s but also a monster in his image.

  • tombruzzo [none/use name]
    22 days ago

    Oh man, this is everything I've ever wanted since I saw him in the Official Visual Dictionary for the Rimjob Smugglers

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      22 days ago

      Oh, they're so memorable.

      Say it with me: "A happy ending for every Kessel Run!"