And it has all kinds of implications and context and shit.

How the fuck am I supposed to tell what's just people doing things at random and what's a part of all-singing-all-dancing-shit-show the neurotypicals call "social norms"? Down with NTs.

Honestly while it's really fucking annoying that refusal to participate could result in some silly neuronormo interpreting a completely innocuous action as an offense, and it can cut you off from social shit, I think it's basically the only way. The same button never does the same thing twice. Screeching rn.

  • Łumało [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I gave up on that shit long ago, I just don't care. My mom always gives me flack for it, because I'm either loud, or weird, or "inappropriate". Fuck you. I'm going to be direct as fuck or joke about your NT "politeness". Either open yourself up or I'm going to bully you for being a cowardly fake. Do trauma dump, do tell me how actually are you and not that "fine" shit, be forth and honest with me, don't interrupt a liar with "Um, excuse me good sir. It seems your trousers are alight." but with your favorite edition of animal feces (In Poland we say "Gówno prawda" or "Pierdolisz"). I had enough of these social cues and I'll aggressively fight them and struggle against them. I'm not tolerant of them.

    I'm polite in my own ways, ways NTs consider "impolite". Well then they don't fucking know impolite.

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      4 months ago

      lets-fucking-go This comment goes so fucking hard, best Lumalo post I've ever seen twice in one day. Based as hell, I wish I fought against these that hard, I'm too awkward alas. NTs SHOULD be bullied for being cowardly fakes!!

      • Łumało [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Guess I'm just going in hard lately, been mad about a lot of stuff so this is how I vent I suppose. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

        Also it's literally the next morning for me lol

      • BrezhnevsEyebrows [he/him]
        4 months ago

        In my experience people who appreciate directness and hate NT social norms to this level tend to be on the spectrum to some degree