BrezhnevsEyebrows [he/him]

Become friends with someone, and they may allow you to take certain items from their home.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • A ten-second wordless transaction was powerful enough to dissuade my son from that instant forward from what had been a favorite activity. I call such moments of induction the "normal traumatization" of boys.

    I've recounted this story here before but when I was a little kid I used to let my mom paint my nails because I thought it was fun. This continued until one day at the park other boys laughed at me for my painted nails and told me that only girls paint their nails. After this I never painted my nails again. Although I don't think I would do it now--it's not for me--I have worked in recent years to broaden my conception of what I'm allowed to do as a man. It's very frustrating to me, though, and more than a little scary, that no matter how much you do at home to nurture boy children it all goes away the second they leave the house and put themselves at risk of patriarchal bullying.

    This story also emphasizes to me that a lot of gender, but especially masculinity, especially today, is defined by what one is not allowed to do. Painting my nails, wearing jewelry with gemstones, shaking my hips when i dance, etc. is all "feminine" and therefore not allowed for a lot of men.

  • This chapter resonates with me in a very depressing way. I feel like even today I have a difficult time expressing real emotions, even with my gf, because it feels very vulnerable to open myself up like that considering the bad experiences I've had in the past with displaying emotion. Whenever i have to talk about my own feelings eith someone it feels very awkward and "cringe", for lack of a better word, to even think about having a genuine emotional connection with someone (especially other men). Even thinking about telling someone after the fact that something they said hurt me makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

    I like that Bell hooks talks about how "real men get mad" as well because it's very frustrating to not have the willingness or experience to be able to express my feelings with the full spectrum of feeling available to others. Often the only way I've found I know how to express that something someone said was hurtful is frustration and anger in the moment, which just creates further strife especially when the other person gets defensive in response.