• Awoo [she/her]
        11 months ago

        Russia invaded Ukraine, twice

        Twice lmao. This liberal definitely understands Crimea.

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Russia invaded Ukraine, twice, now the second time Ukraine is fighting back with western help, how is that a "proxy war"?

        I assume you would agree that the Vietnam War, in which the US intervened to help the south vietnamese against the north vietnamese who were backed by the USSR, was a proxy war? This conflict has fairly similar origins. The DPR and LPR breakaway republics were backed by Russia, while Ukraine was backed by the US/NATO in what was initially a civil war. Now Russia has intervened fully, but the Ukrainian side is still a proxy for the US. Even if we believe the DPR/LPR to be russian puppets, the same was true for south Vietnam.

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            11 months ago

            Following the US backed 2014 coup of Ukraine's elected leader, in part for not being anti-Russian enough, there were mass protests and demonstrations in Crimea against the rabidly anti-Russian (both the country and Russian speaking populace that makes up much of Eastern Ukraine) incoming coup government. It held a referendum on independence, which passes with massive popular support. Russia was asked, by Crimea, to guarantee it's security when it was clear that the coup government of Ukraine would not accept their independence, and as a result there was annexation. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian coup government was also engaged in a brutal civil war against the Donetsk and Luhansk oblast regions including daily shelling and empowering neo-Nazi groups to commit murder, torture, and terrorism against the people of those regions.

            Literally all of this is historical fact that you'd know if you read literally anything on the subject, even a Wikipedia article, and is acknowledged even by those who support thr 2014 coup and subsequent Ukrainian governments.

            You're calling people delusional while not even knowing the first thing about actual historical fact. Go do some reading.

      • Redcat [he/him]
        11 months ago

        NATO's proxy war was against the people of eastern ukraine and crimea. They also had their backers.

      • GivingEuropeASpook [they/them, comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        Because the Ukrainian government in power is aligned with the West politically, and the US/EU wouldn't want to fight Russia directly. While it certainly still functions in many ways like a proxy war, I feel like it was more of a proxy war until 2022 when it was contained to the eastern part of the country and the US was actively training the Ukrainian military in Ukraine (I believe they are now training them outside Ukraine to avoid sparking a direct war between NATO and Russia) concurrently with Russian military support for Luhansk and Donetsk. When Russia widened the theatre of war to the whole country last year, I think the character of the war shifted fundamentally.

          • drathvedro@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            The US should certainly bugger off and stop shitting on USSR Russia's doorstep. Go overthrow some some South American governments like you used to instead.

            As for EU, let Ukraine in and fight for them if you like them so much, wankers. Why waste money on weapons just to fuel the war knowing full well that Ukraine doesn't have the manpower to win it? And I don't buy the "weaken the Russia" argument. The Russian military equipment is crap but that crap costs the same amount in rubles as western equipment in dollars. So, literal pennies to a dollar given the current exchange rate.