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  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    100% Gamer culture and the identity around it is the problem. The Gamers™ build their entire identities around it and that's not healthy.

    It wasn't always this bad and there are still some good game communities out there, though they are rare as most of them have become overrun with alt right stuff since Gamergate and beyond.

    One thing that really drives me nuts with Gamers is how so many of them defend the gaming industry's exploitation as mindless consumers and don't think twice about getting ripped off. They'll complain about women in video games, then go the length to defend micro-transactions and other nonsense. I remember back when you had expansion sets for PC games instead of DLC. There were even some expansions that were better than the original game (Starcraft: Brood War is the first to come to mind). Now everything is DLC to squeeze money out of the player. Some games don't even release as full games, you need to buy a bunch of DLC crap to finish the full package.

    Recently Nintendo released some package of the 3D Mario games and sold it for $60. Gamers didn't think twice about it as they sit there praising Nintendo for re-releasing these old games and charging a full 60 dollars for it (and they couldn't even fix the god awful camera controls to Mario 64).

    EDIT: Another thing that grinds my gears on gamers and the modern gaming industry - the focus on multiplayer games. Doom 2016 and it's sequel Eternal were such a breath of fresh air to have an FPS game with an actual focus on single player. I'll even defend Doom 3 which a lot of people hate these days, but that game was designed around a single player campaign that lasted more than 10 hours.