“Oh William, you are so funny!” “Darling, do have another piece of cheese.” “Don’t lick the fucking camera lens.”

How can anybody be so far up their arse to think it’s a good idea to push this nonsense out.

  • Hossenfeffer@feddit.uk
    9 days ago

    How can anybody be so far up their arse to think it’s a good idea to push this nonsense out.

    I mean there's a substantial % of the population who will be dabbing away the tears with a Kleenex while watching this, so, er, just don't watch it, I guess?

    I'm not much enthused about the royals, or the endless broadcasts of 22 millionaires having a kickabout every Saturday, or 'celebs' trapped in a luxury villa while being pressured to have sex with each other not-quite-on-camera, so I don't watch them.

  • mannycalavera@feddit.uk
    9 days ago

    The Princess of Wales has spoken of her focus on being cancer-free in a new video message.

    OP: Nooooooo! Arrrrrgggghhhg! Nooooooo! People can't do this. Whyyyyyyy? I hate it so everyone should hate it! Grrrrrr!

    Mate, chill out. This is supposed to be a casual community.

    • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.uk
      8 days ago

      Now that would have been a bold move: "one is now feeling sufficiently improved that I've dusted off the strap-on and will go to town on the derrière of the king in waiting. Live on camera!"