Fuck this Schrodinger's Predator shit.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      8 days ago

      Joss Whedon, bringer of "well, that just happened" trends to cinema, was a massive sex pest and creep himself, so it checks out.

      • VILenin [he/him]
        8 days ago

        One of those people who could never stop talking and loudly interrupting while watching a movie, the treats which they purportedly enjoyed, constantly saying “that’s not how he would actually react though”, “bus drivers don’t dress that nice in real life”, “why would he do that?”, “he could just shoot them”, “nobody talks like that in real life”, “shouldn’t they have done this instead?” etc. became a filmmaker and had the characters do that instead of your uncle.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          8 days ago

          Some of the worst I've seen on the internet are armchair fleet admiral Trek bazingas. "Why don't they just transport the warp core out of the enemy ship? Why don't they just transport that guy's heart out of his chest? Why don't they just transport the crew into deep space?" smuglord smuglord smuglord