

The smol bean heckin democracy puppers need autonomous death robots to protect themselves from scary authoritarians 🥰 Also, bad wars is unacceptable, you need to vote to make sure we get good wars!


On one hand, unimaginable destruction of human life, on the other, lower taxes. I'm torn 🤔


  • gon [he]
    3 days ago

    I love war profiteering, actually. If you think about it, making money off of war (unfathomable human suffering) is the only moral way to profit.

    The truth is simple and undeniable: it's your fault this war is happening. Not only is it your fault it's happening, it's your fault we're losing! I'm just making the autonomous death robots because you voted WROOOOONG, good luck next time, chump!

    Also, I love killing people. It helps me sleep at night.

    • NPa [he/him]
      3 days ago

      I don't even try to make money off weapons production, that would take away valuable resources from our brave defenders of democracy. Instead I donate directly to Raytheon and Boeing, get a tax refund from that and then donate the tax refund to Palantir

      • NPa [he/him]
        3 days ago

        its called Effective Altruism

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 days ago

        Building an autonomous tunneling robot so the barbara-pit cuck pit can travel to the end user! Efficiency! Now get in the pit pit