So I just stumbled across something called Occupation: Rainfall, which is SciFi, made in Australia, set in Australia etc etc, so it ticks a lot of boxes for me.
Apparently it is a sequel to Occupation, and regardless of how these things actually rated with reviewers, I feel like I've missed something by being unaware they even came out.

And this is almost certainly because I've made a concerted (and broadly successful) effort for over a decade to avoid ads.

How does everyone here find TV, Movies, Music etc that may be of interest to you?

Just turn on the idiot box and put up with the spew?

    1 year ago

    For music, tv, and movies I will look at who the director/producer/actor etc is and look up what other works they were in.

    Watch a movie with same actor to find that I liked the performance of a co-star, then begin the rabbit hole again.

    1 year ago

    Mostly it's through recommendations from friends, or when I frequently see people talking about a particular show in a community. For example, I discovered Hacks thanks to people in the Frasier subreddit frequently talking about how amazing Jean Smart (who was in several episodes of Frasier) is in it (she really is.)

      1 year ago

      Legion is what first made me notice Jean Smart. With legion, watchmen, hacks, Fargo she’s had a huge last few years

  • Treevan 🇦🇺
    1 year ago

    In our particular setup, Trakt lists from the viewing stats (trending, popular, top) and the curated lists available from users (all in genre, Top 100 in genre, latest releases, subreddit lists). Our setup also gives the ratings from a number of platforms under each video to check them that way.

    1 year ago

    For TV and film, I know what genres my partner and I enjoy so I just routinely check new releases within those parameters. There's always a massive backlog available, too.

    I've mostly listened to Japanese doujin music for the last decade and compilation albums featuring multiple artists are very common within that scene. As I listen I just naturally discover new artists from year to year as they feature on these albums. And again, I know what genres I like so I am regularly searching for new releases.

    I am a big fan of self-curated music discovery compared to algorithm based stuff. There was a great scene in Vengeance where Ashton Kutcher's character sort of explained this philosophy.

    1 year ago

    RSS is the answer to your question

    RSS follow subreddits like Republic Of Music, nitter accounts, tumblrs, etc.

    So I just stumbled across something called Occupation: Rainfall, which is SciFi, made in Australia, set in Australia etc etc, so it ticks a lot of boxes for me.

    you may be interested in

    1 year ago

    Looking at rottentomatoes and imdb basically.

    Search a show you like and then click through directors and actors to see what else they've done.

    That said I missed this one so maybe my strategy is also lacking!

    1 year ago

    I find av club from the onion pretty good. It’s a bit fangirly on many shows, but it’s clear from the articles which are serious tv shows. I pay notice to anything hbo release. I like sci fi and sci-fi communities tend to discuss sci fi shows. I also watch out for particular actors and actresses that I find good.

    Posts like this help, ut usually more organic discussions are where you’ll find new stuff that’s good.