An absolute banger of a thread lmao

I swear to god unlike the r/cuba sub which is a complete shithole, r/puertorico is pretty much as close as it gets to being radicalized

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 months ago

    English translation for anyone interested:

    I think my boss is a communist. A few days ago, I received my first paycheck at my new job at a fast food restaurant. It wasn't too bad, but after doing the math, I saw that I sold a lot more food per hour compared to what I was paid, even counting the costs of the food.

    When I talked to my boss, he told me that we are part of a team, but some are paid more than others. This reminded me a lot of the famous line "some are more equal than others" from my favorite book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. This got me thinking about what was going on. We earn the money, and he takes it and gives it to someone else who doesn't even work. I'm not an expert economist, but this is exactly socialism.

    I think I've come to the conclusion that the best way to combat these socialist business practices would be to get together with my coworkers, unify our power, and show that we understand the real value of our labor. Has anyone else had experiences with clearly Marxist bosses before, or any ideas what to do?

    10/10 bit

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Also, for context, it's election season here too and the center party has completely lost ground to the center-left pro-independence party. The right wing and center parties are responding to the rise in popularity of the soc-dems with anticommunism and plenty of comparisons to Castro and Maduro. So the meme is playing off the satanic panic levels of anticommunism in PR at the moment.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Rare /r/puertorico W tbh. They closely match the local libs in having radical energy about some topics, such as gentrification and environmental issues, but are completely unequipped to understand imperialism and capitalism as broader phenomena which leads them to hating on Cuba and Venezuela often. Not to mention that most of the sub supports statehood because there's a pretty big bias in terms of people who spend their time on the worst English website on the planet and people who want their country to be annexed by the most brutal empire on the planet.