Hey you



I mean you personally, you reading this, you that call for liberation from the shackles of capitalism. That is until your own comfort is put into question. Then, you're not that different from Elon Musk or Bill Gates. Yes,


Want to know why? It's very simple really. But first we need a


Day 7 of the revolution. Communism is no longer a feeble dream but a palpable reality. You go to local warehouse to pick up some basics, sugar, milk, coffee, and maybe some chocolate. because

why not?

What's this? No sugar, no coffee, no chocolate? We're in commieland! All these should be readily available, what gives?! Turns out when you liberate all workers it means


People enslaved to the land making it birth sugar cane, cocoa, and coffee, with no other choice or opportunity in life. In cases, some have tried only to have their bodies turn into munch, you know, as a warning.

Now that they have choices, what makes you think that they would remain in the plantation that embodied their whole life suffering, backbreaking labor to not enough to eat. And even still, the few pessimistic enough to remain, willing to till the unscorched plots of land, why would they send the few of their produce to


But you don't mind that, deals could be made, you say. But that's not all, no, no no, there's something that hurts more than lacking your morning coffee or your weekly choco treat.

No NEW iphones

You know and are aware of the levels upon levels of exploitation and slavery are needed to make your little spy gadget. Yet, when you proclaim worker liberation, you cannot phantom the liberation of someone other than yourself. Because in doing so, you will have to admit that your life will change, that you will have to face personal sacrifices, personal discomforts, personal loss. Which is why every time someone points out industrialization will end, you swallow hard and scream

Primitivist!!! Primitivist!!!

to which I scream back

Colonialist!!! Colonialist!!!

Your desire to keep your life unfazed, but enhanced to star trek like conditions require the subjugation of the third world, the havers of raw material and infrastructure to build and hands to do it. By being unwilling letting go of your earthly tethers, you proclaim nothing more than communism for the first world, rugged capitalism for the third.

Our liberation does not require subservience to you in the north. So when you screen turns itself down one last time, and you get to see your sad little self in the black mirror, remember

You wanted this

  • Shmyt [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    Good post comrade. Communism for all requires liberation of all. Many of us do not examine our exploitative behaviours, or realise how much of our lifestyles are built on the back of colonialism or imperialism. We must all accept that to liberate the global south we may feel discomfort, and we must remember that the freedom of our comrades is worth more than our luxuries. This might be one of the reasons that green capitalist ops like zerowaste initiatives or freetrade coffee might be a global good: by showing that exploitation is what keeps prices low and that low impact creates high cost we could wean the global north off of many of its excesses, or at least tie them to luxury rather than staples.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      the shrodingers third-world at the same time (1) colonialists slaves but also (2) post-revolutionary communists who executed a brilliant revolutionary struggle in only one week, but who can't figure out any fair way to organize labor to still grow coffee and cocoa to engage in international exchange with their comrades in other parts of the world who are producing goods they will need. a well-oiled machine of disciplined revolutionary communists fell immediately into an atavistic state of consciousness, forgot how to organize, and because to function like a herd of cats the very moment the revolution succeeded.

      • Shmyt [he/him,any]
        4 years ago

        Thats a very fair critique; i was reading it as a first world revolution succeeded, or a general leftist movement that had success but not global power or centralised organisation. Apparently I just shouldn't try to understand things past midnight because it seems I can't fucking read