On big subs, like worldnews.

Like, a lot of people quoting one CDC report on IFR that presented COVID as less dangerous, without actually knowing the difference between CFR and IFR. Despite the fact that the numbers (in the report) are still very fucking high.

I hear more and more people saying that countries overreport deaths, based on some anecdotal evidence (one time a bike crash was reported as a COVID death), which is complete bullshit, of course, easily checked by looking at excess deaths.

Absolutely braindead comparisons to seasonal flu, as if seasonal flu isn't

  1. less dangerous
  2. a huge fucking problem and a cause of millions of deaths

Chapos, COVID is the most deadly airborne virus pandemic since spanish flu, and the most deadly virus since HIV/AIDS.

Oh yeah, I say "since HIV/AIDS", but HIV/AIDS pandemic is still happening. Literally millions of people die. We haven't cured it. Who said that we'll cure this one?

Also, you cant really compare coronavirus to HIV, but if we look at annual deaths, then HIV was at its peak at ~1.9 million deaths (in 2005, I think). Compare that to COVID. This is just the first 7-8 months of the pandemic and we already have more than a million deaths! That is, despite the fact that:

  1. Deaths are seriously underreported (I'm talking 30-50% just in the US. Imagine fucking Brasil. Russia? In Russia its way worse).
  2. Coronoviruses are seasonal and they peak at winter
  3. The whole world went into lockdown for months.

Holy shit, I fucking can't.

    • fundan [he/him]
      4 years ago

      How high are the chances of CDC being corrupt because it is a part of the executive branch of US government, which is supposed to be under Trump's control.

      I don't think it is, but I don't think it is the best source either.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        4 years ago

        There's probably some internal friction, but the CDC is still staffed with scientists and not politicians, so it's a bit harder to get them to adhere to a party line. There are definitely leaders there that might withold info or load language, but the actual reports are still done by educated people that care about infectious disease.

        There's a reason they transferred data collection from CDC to HHS who then subcontracted to a private company. If the CDC was willing to cook data for the WH, they wouldn't have been striped of their data collection duties.

    • sping [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      also wear them outside

      My impression is outside transmission is much less likely, so really only a concern if you're close to people, especially for extended periods - i.e. there's no real point in masks unless you're closely gathered, with little wind. No?

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The international and American authorities being less than trustworthy on this has been a huge problem. When this first started becoming a thing, I paid close attention to what China was doing and saying, so never paid attention to the early mixed messaging on masks, followed along when they had that graphic of a restaurant showing it was likely airborne, etc.

      Kind of a shame we America can't really trust our CDC as much as we should.